BLISP :-) ... the very very very small subset-of-lisp. by Brendan O'Connor Requires python 2.2. Don't expect too much of it. USAGE ----- Run the interpreter with: $ python Run the test with the beautiful unix-hack: $ python < Note that if you're not on Unix, you can't really read files... Support's coming, I promise :) HOW IT WORKS ------------ Hm, look at the source comments. If I explained here it'd be just repetitive. LEARNING PYTHON RELEVANT TO BLISP --------------------------------- Python has excellent documentation, especially considering it's free. -- I like generators a whole lot, and use them everywhere in the parser.. and haven't seen them anywhere outside of python before. See both the Iterators and Simple Generators sections of and -- List comprehensions are another AWESOME python feature that somehow didn't get used much in my code. But they're really cool. -- More python documentation generally, at . For certain language features you may have to look at the What's New? documents for python 2.2, 2.1 and maybe even 2.0. Searching comp.lang.python is nice if you have spare time; there you'll find the reasoning behind design decisions & implementation info & lively argumentation & stuff. It's notable, however, the degree of unity that Python developers have in their vision of what is "pythonic" and what direction the language should evolve in. They're pretty smart.