Historical On-time Performance of U.S. Flights

Month (season) performance
Which times of the year tend to have on-time flights? For each month, this shows the percentage of flights that month which are late.

This is calculated from historical data from July 2014 through June 2015.

month Num. Flights Failure Rate Delay Rate
01 393,973 2.6% 8.3%
02 359,314 4.7% 11.3%
03 422,910 2.3% 7.5%
04 410,059 1.1% 5.7%
05 421,425 1.4% 7.0%
06 424,327 2.1% 10.0%
07 433,643 1.8% 8.8%
08 421,319 1.2% 7.3%
09 391,590 1.4% 5.9%
10 412,325 1.0% 6.0%
11 389,226 0.9% 5.6%
12 401,624 1.2% 7.1%