Cheat sheet for scala syntax by brendan
Since it's hard to search for scala syntactic constructions, hopefully this page might help. Note language coverage is incomplete.
Source on github, pull requests welcome!
Update: A version of this is now in the Scala documentation.
var x = 5 variable
val x = 5
[bad!] x = 6
var x: Double = 5 explicit type
[good] def f(x: Int) = { x*x }
[bad!] def f(x: Int)   { x*x }
define function
hidden error: without = it's a Unit-returning procedure; causes havoc
[good] def f(x: Any) = println(x)
[bad!] def f(x) = println(x)
define function
syntax error: need types for every arg.
type R = Double type alias
def f(x: R)   vs
def f(x: => R)
call-by-value   vs
call-by-name (lazy parameters)
(x:R) => x*x anonymous function
(1 to 5).map( _*2 )
(1 to 5).reduceLeft( _+_ )
anonymous function: underscore is positionally matched arg.
(1 to 5).map( x => x*x ) anonymous function: to use an arg twice, have to name it.
[good] (1 to 5).map(2*)
[bad!] (1 to 5).map(*2)
anonymous function: bound infix method. Use 2*_ for sanity's sake instead.
(1 to 5).map { val x=_*2; println(x); x } anonymous function: block style returns last expression
(1 to 5) filter {_%2 == 0} map {_*2} anonymous functions: pipeline style. (or parens too)
def compose(g:R=>R, h:R=>R) = (x:R) => g(h(x))
val f = compose({_*2}, {_-1})
anonymous functions: to pass in multiple blocks, need outer parens
val zscore = (mean:R, sd:R) => (x:R) => (x-mean)/sd currying, obvious syntax
def zscore(mean:R, sd:R) = (x:R) => (x-mean)/sd currying, obvious syntax
def zscore(mean:R, sd:R)(x:R) = (x-mean)/sd currying, sugar syntax. but then:
val normer = zscore(7, 0.4)_ need trailing underscore to get the partial, only for the sugar version.
def mapmake[T](g:T=>T)(seq: List[T]) = generic type
5.+(3); 5 + 3
(1 to 5) map (_*2)
infix sugar
def sum(args: Int*) = args.reduceLeft(_+_) varargs
TODO default args
TODO named args
import scala.collection._ wildcard import
import scala.collection.Vector
import scala.collection.{Vector, Sequence}
selective import
import scala.collection.{Vector => Vec28} renaming import
package pkg at start of file
package pkg { ... }
declare a package
data structures
(1,2,3) tuple literal (Tuple3)
var (x,y,z) = (1,2,3) destructuring bind: tuple unpacking via pattern matching
[bad!] var x,y,z = (1,2,3) hidden error: each assigned to the entire tuple
var xs = List(1,2,3)
list (immutable)
xs(2) paren indexing (slides)
1 :: List(2,3) cons
1 to 5   same as   1 until 6
1 to 10 by 2
range sugar
()   (empty parens) sole member of the Unit type (like C/Java void)
control constructs
if (check) happy else sad conditional
if (check) happy   same as
if (check) happy else ()
conditional sugar
var x = 0
while (x < 5) { println(x); x += 1} while loop
do { println(x); x += 1} while (x < 5) do while loop
import scala.util.control.Breaks._
breakable { 
    for (x <- xs) {
        if (Math.random < 0.1) break
break (slides)
val xs = List.range(1,11)
val ys = List.range(1,11)
for (x <- xs if x%2 == 0) yield x*10   same as
xs.filter(_%2 == 0).map(_*10)
for comprehension: filter/map
for ((x,y) <- xs zip ys) yield x*y   same as
(xs zip ys) map { case (x,y) => x*y }
for comprehension: destructuring bind
for (x <- xs; y <- ys) yield x*y   same as
xs flatMap {x => ys map {y => x*y}}
for comprehension: cross product
for (x <- xs; y <- ys) {
    println("%d/%d = %.1f".format(x,y, x*y))    
for comprehension: imperative-ish
pattern matching
[good] (xs zip ys) map { case (x,y) => x*y }
[bad!] (xs zip ys) map( (x,y) => x*y )
use case in function args for pattern matching
TODO case classes, match...
object orientation
class C(x: R)   same as
class C(private val x: R)
var c = new C(4)
constructor params - private
class C(val x: R)
var c = new C(4)
constructor params - public
class C(var x: R) {
  assert(x > 0, "positive please")
  var y = x
  val readonly = 5
  private var secret = 1
  def this = this(42)

constructor is class body
declare a public member
declare a gettable but not settable member
declare a private member
alternative constructor
new { ... } anonymous class (TODO extension syntax)
abstract class D { ... } define an abstract class. (non-createable)
class C extends D { ... } define an inherited class.
class D(var x: R)
class C(x: R) extends D(x)
inheritance and constructor params. (wishlist: automatically pass-up params by default)
object O extends D { ... } define a singleton. (module-like)
trait T { ... }
class C extends T { ... }
class C extends D with T { ... }
interfaces-with-implementation. no constructor params. mixin-able.
trait T1; trait T2
class C extends T1 with T2
class C extends D with T1 with T2
multiple traits
class C extends D { override def f = ...} must declare method overrides
new"f") create object
[bad!] new List[Int]
[good] List(1,2,3)
type error: abstract type
instead, convention: callable factory shadowing the type
TODO self types
classOf[String] class literal
x.isInstanceOf[String] type check (runtime)
x.asInstanceOf[String] type cast (runtime)
implicit TODO conversions
TODO try/catch
<s>hi {name}</s> xml literal with expression interpolation
TODO Option guarded type-safe nulls (like Maybe or andand)
TODO unapply
advanced generics
TODO tricky esoteric stuff

designed for scala 2.8 and 2.9. portions adapted from A. Sundararajan's java vs. scala cheat sheet: (1) (2)
also check out: slides: fosdem-2009 (odersky), book: scala by example (odersky)

Copyright 2009-2011 Brendan O'Connor.
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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