Category Archives: Uncategorized

conplot – a console plotter

This has to be the most quick-and-dirty data visualizer out there: I wrote an ascii art plotter script that takes a column of numbers on stdin and throws out a plot on your console. I’ve been using it for several … Continue reading


The best natural language search commentary on the internet

With Powerset’s launch, there’s an awful lot of hot air and crappy blog posts about natural language search being written. Instead of contributing to that mess, I prefer to direct the reader to the best writing on the topic that … Continue reading

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a regression slope is a weighted average of pairs’ slopes!

Wow, this is pretty cool: From an Andrew Gelman article on summaring a linear regression as a simple difference between upper and lower categories. I get the impression there are lots of weird misunderstood corners of linear models… (e.g. that … Continue reading

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Datawocky: More data usually beats better algorithms

This is a great post. I think I’ve seen it from several sources already… Datawocky: More data usually beats better algorithms

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Allende’s cybernetic economy project

Wow — teletype machines and cybernetics to run an economy! Before ’73 Coup, Chile Tried to Find the Right Software for Socialism – New York Times (note they mean this version of the word “cybernetics”) And here’s a better Guardian … Continue reading


Quick-R, the only decent R documentation on the internet

For R users or wannabes… I really love R, but it has horrid documentation and a steep learning curve. Recently I was introduced to Quick-R, a really excellent documentation site. I think it’s made the system dramatically more useful for … Continue reading


Spending money on others makes you happy

Yes, Money Can Buy Happiness . . . – TierneyLab – Science – New York Times Blog

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PHD Comics: Humanities vs. Social Sciences

PHD Comics: Humanities vs. Social Sciences


data data data

This is a lot of data: Inductio Ex Machina – A Meta-index of Data Sets

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Graphics! Atari Breakout and religious text NLP

From a graphics/mod programming workshop, modifications of “Breakout” in awesome video form: It uses Processing, a framework designed for animation and graphicky things. It was also used for the Similar Diversity visualization that maps out named entities and their common … Continue reading

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