Category Archives: Uncategorized

Verificationism dinosaur comics

I love dinosaur comics. What a quicker way to learn philosophy than reading all those books. For example: Now I have an opinion on verificationism! I like the yellow dinosaur better. Scientific empiricism is great, dithering about strict notions of … Continue reading

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EEG for the Wii and in your basement

There’s a company, Emotiv, that’s building an EEG interface for the game systems. Any company with a science-fiction-y vision statement sounds like a good time to me: Communication between man and machine has always been limited to conscious interaction, with … Continue reading

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Dollar auction

I got nervous and panicky just reading about this game. I wonder if I could con some people into playing it. Economics professors have a standard game they use to demonstrate how apparently rational decisions can create a disastrous result. … Continue reading


When’s the last time you dug through 19th century English mortuary records

Standard problem: humans lived like crap for thousands and thousands of years, then suddenly some two hundred years ago dramatic industrialization and economic growth happened, though unevenly even through today. Here’s an interesting proposal to explain all this. Gregory Clark … Continue reading

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Are ideas interesting, or are they true?

From an NYT Magazine article this Sunday, paraphrasing Isaiah Berlin: The philosopher Isaiah Berlin once said that the trouble with academics and commentators is that they care more about whether ideas are interesting than whether they are true. Politicians live … Continue reading

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Cooperation dynamics – Martin Nowak

Nice little NYT article on Martin Nowak, of evolution-of-cooperation fame. He’s the directory of Harvard’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics which looks neat. I love the the Price Equation. Sweet.

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China: fines for bad maps

This is fascinating — In China, you can get fined if you make a map of China without Taiwan or other disputed territories. Reminds me of being confused trying to find the primary airline of China. Based of vague recollections … Continue reading



This is pretty funny, an old cartoon reprinted on Language Log.

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Washington in 1774

[I]t is not the wish, or the interest of the Government, or any other upon this Continent, separately, or collectively, to set up for Independence… I am well satisfyed, as I can be of my existence, that no such thing … Continue reading

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Happiness incarnate on the Colbert Report

A bit ago I finished Daniel Gilbert’s “Stumbling on Happiness,” which despite its name, is not about how to be happy. It’s about why people are bad at predicting (and remembering) their happiness levels. (Pop science psychology, not pop psychology… … Continue reading

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