Category Archives: Uncategorized

Evangelicals vs. Aquarians

Just read an interesting analysis on the the simultaneous rise of the cultural left and right (“hippies and evangelicals”) through the 50′s and 60′s. Brink Lindsey argues here that they were both reactions to post-war material prosperity: On the left … Continue reading


"Time will tell, epistemology won’t"

Working on applied AI-related problems has really tempered my outlook away from theory. Apologies for another Rorty-related post, but I loved this little bit I just came across, from Stanley Fish (on When Rorty concluded one of his dramatically … Continue reading


Richard Rorty has died

Richard Rorty, philosopher, dies at 75. I’ve read enough of the analytic philosophers castigating Rorty — and taken bits of classes from a few of them — that I feel I just have to love the man. I remember managing … Continue reading


Freak-Freakonomics (Ariel Rubinstein is the shit!)

I don’t care how lame anyone thinks this is, but economic theorist Ariel Rubinstein is the shit. He’s funny, self-deprecating, and brilliant. I was just re-reading his delightful, sarcastic review of Freakonomics. (Overly dramatized visual depiction below; hey, conflict sells.) … Continue reading


"Stanford Impostor"

I’ve gotten a zillion emails about it by now, but it was recently found that a young woman had been living for a year in Stanford dorms claiming to be a freshman, when in fact she was not a student … Continue reading

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Rock Paper Scissors psychology

Rock, Paper, Scissors is making the blog rounds with an excellent strategy guide from the World RPS Society and a fun mental floss article too. (Though the First International RoShamBo programming contest should be noted.) Having played far too much … Continue reading


More fun with Gapminder / Trendalyzer

Watching internet usage vs. income on the visualizer is very interesting. Several things are quite apparent. (1) Internet usage exploded in all countries in the world. (2) Richer countries have more internet usage (linear relationship on the scatterplot), but … Continue reading

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Random search engine searcher

It’s sweeping the internet — I wrote a little plugin for the firefox/internet explorer search box, so when you search it randomly picks one of several search engines. You get to see what’s out there (you mean there’s something besides … Continue reading

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I must be too cynical. I thought I didn’t like Philip Zimbardo‘s theatrics, but regardless I really appreciated this NYT interview with him on the universal capacity for evil.(S.P.E. is the Stanford Prison Experiment, whose pictures here are from that … Continue reading

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