Category Archives: Uncategorized

Seth Roberts and academic blogging

I saw Seth Roberts briefly speak today (at an odd event) about self-experimentation. He tried drinking flavorless sugar water and it led him to lose lots of weight. He also did a great variety of other self-experiments over more than … Continue reading


Statistics is big-N logic?

I think I believe one of these things, but I’m not quite sure. Statistics is just like logic, except with uncertainty. This would be true if statistics is Bayesian statistics and you buy the Bayesian inductive logic story — add … Continue reading


Feminists, anarchists, computational complexity, bounded rationality, nethack, and other things to do

I was planning to write some WordNet lookup code tonight. But instead I’ve learned of too many intersecting things. First, there are a zillion things to do this weekend (hooray flavorpill): Picasso and American Art exhibit continuing at SFMOMA. I … Continue reading


Computability and induction and ideal rationality and the simpsons

Don’t have time to read much right now, but received word about a neat-looking paper: Uncomputability: The Problem of Induction Internalized by Kevin Kelly. Kevin Kelly’s website has an awesome statement that mirrors thoughts I’ve been having for the last … Continue reading

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Iraq is the 9th deadliest civil war since WW2

…9th largest by the metric of annual casualties (60,000 over three years). Funny how actual facts make current events clearer. Jim Fearon explains much more in his excellent FA article Why the U.S. Can’t Win Iraq’s Civil War.

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Pascal’s Wager

Either God is tricky, or maybe probability is. Pascal’s Wager: Say there’s only a small chance God exists. If you are an atheist but God does actually exist, He will send you to hell for eternity. This is infinitely bad. … Continue reading


When linguists appear on ironic parody talk shows

The Colbert Report website is promising Steve Pinker this upcoming week. This could be great, or atrocious. I bet it won’t be as good as the somewhat-legendary Ali G interview of Noam Chomsky, reproduced below.

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The Jungle Economy

I wish I knew Hebrew. Well, fortunately there is also an English article version of Equilibrium in the Jungle (Piccione and Rubinstein ’06): In the typical analysis of an exchange economy, agents are involved in consumption and exchange goods voluntarily … Continue reading

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funny comic

[doesn't fit well; please click.]Thx Words and Other Things.


Anarchy vs. social order in Somalia

In light of the Somali transitional government’s recent military triumph over Islamist forces, the BBC did a piece of very interesting testimonials from everyday Somalis — they all want a government for peace and order in their lives. Anarchy is … Continue reading

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