Category Archives: Uncategorized

Submit your poker data!

Upload your poker hand histories to, economist Stephen Levitt’s fringe-of-economics project to study what are effective strategies in poker. This absolultely makes sense to me as an economics research project, only because I’m used to thinking of economics from … Continue reading


Bayesian analysis of intelligent design (revised!)

This is a revision of my earlier post. In Jaynes’ awesome statistical manifesto book (another link), I just saw for the second time the odds ratio form of Bayes’ rule, which is a lot cleaner for this sort of static … Continue reading

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searchin’ for our friend, homo economicus

I must have seen a zillion draft versions of this study floating around online, but here’s a terrific preprint: “Economic man” in cross-cultural perspective: Behavioral experiments in 15 small-scale societies (Henrich, Boyd, Bowles, Camerer, Fehr, Gintis, McElreath, Alvard, Barr, Ensminger, … Continue reading

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balkanized USA

From the same site, this is fun.

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war death statistics

What a project — an impressively painstaking compilation of 20th century civilian and military casualties. Summary: lots of people were killed. Interesting are the comments on morality and how prejudgement leads to differing casualty estimations — estimates vary wildly for … Continue reading


guns, germs, & steel pbs show?!

Looks like it’s become a mini-series: Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs, and Steel has hit PBS! Great book, if repetitive and a little too ambitious — he has a great environmental/technology explanation of the differences in societal development between Europe and … Continue reading


the psychology of design as explanation

Since I posted the link to his blog, Baron just wrote about Cardinal Schönborn’s anti-evolution Op-Ed piece. I agree absolutely that people should learn about the psychology of judgment and probability for these sorts of questions, where it’s really hard … Continue reading

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another blog: cog psych and political/social stuff

By cognitive psychologist Jon Baron When is it time to stop accruing links to yet more blogs? Blogging makes no sense whatsoever.

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a bayesian analysis of intelligent design

UPDATE: just wrote a revision of this. Pick an organism. Two propositions, H and E, each may be either true or false about it. H: the organism was designed by an intelligent creator. E: the organism looks like it was … Continue reading

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Statistical inference and social science

amazing: a blog on statistical inference for social science. Can’t get more hardcore than that. Well, a formal modelling (e.g. mathematical game theory) blog would be quite something too.

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