Category Archives: Uncategorized

finding some decision science blogs

Decision Science News looks active & useful. The cognitive neuroscience of decision making is such a great topic — I mean, there are studies of the neurobiology of sarcasm! There are some terrific older posts on the naturally named “Neuroeconomics”. … Continue reading


Social economics and rationality

Here’s a fantastic discussion by Alex Tabarrok and Bryan Caplan on social economics research and rationality — and full of great links to current reviews & research. NB: just realized Tabarrok is one of the authors of Marginal Revolution (already … Continue reading

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City crisis simulation (e.g. terrorist attack)

WP: Computers simulate terrorist extremes Los Alamos scientists are running terrorist attack/response simulations. Well, the article title is misleading, they’re not simulating terrorists (which would pose a whole set of interesting questions about scientific knowledge, social construction and security), but … Continue reading

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freakonomics blog

Here it is! Still need to read the book. I’m a little bothered by people proclaiming it to be the first application of economic principles to social questions — hasn’t social economics been around for decades? — but the spirit … Continue reading

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Supreme Court justices’ agreement levels

Cool visualization of agreement levels among Supreme Court justices. I like how they’re ordered so that the smallest amount of agreement ends up in the lower-left. Hopefully it’s not deceptive for certain cases: I imagine that summarizing their tendencies to … Continue reading

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$ echo {political,social,economic}{cognition,behavior,systems}

The current subtitle is “where {political, social, economic} crosses {cognition, behavior, systems}”. Amusingly enough, this syntax on a unix shell actually gets you the 9 combinations: ~% echo {political,social,economic}{cognition,behavior,systems} politicalcognition politicalbehavior politicalsystems socialcognition socialbehavior socialsystems economiccognition economicbehavior economicsystems Tossing together … Continue reading

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Modelling environmentalism thinking

It’s a human political belief model — based on Cyc! I’m not sure logic represents how people think all that well, but seeing the formalization of ideology is fascinating. And besides, the methodology of cognitive modelling is awesome. The link: … Continue reading

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monkey economics (and brothels)

This is a fun one: researchers trained capuchin monkeys to understand tokens as currency by letting them exchange them for food. Then they did all sorts of behavioral economics-y tests like finding consistency of preferences revealed in price shocks. The … Continue reading

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more argumentation & AI/formal modelling links

ArgMAS (argumentation in multi-agent systems) 2005Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA) 2005 Conferences in Edinburgh and the Netherlands, seems to make sense.

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This is fairly funny, by good ol’ Jaron Lanier on that good ol’ topic, AI and philosophy: You can’t argue with a zombie Thanks to neurodudes.

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