Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Wire: Mr. Nugget

One of my favorite scenes of wisdom from The Wire: D: Nigga please. The man who invented them things, just some sad ass down at the basement of McDonald’s, thinkin’ of some shit to make some money for the real … Continue reading

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Correlations – cotton picking vs. 2008 Presidential votes

From the neat blog Strange Maps — a map of the U.S. South, overlaying where cotton was picked in 1860 versus Presidential voting in 2008.  The claim is that the causal pathway is through high African-American populations.

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Disease tracking with web queries and social messaging (Google, Twitter, Facebook…)

This is a good idea: in a search engine’s query logs, look for outbreaks of queries like [[flu symptoms]] in a given region.  I’ve heard (from Roddy) that this trick also works well on Facebook statuses (e.g. “Feeling crappy this … Continue reading


Obama street celebrations in San Francisco

In San Francisco, it’s no secret who everyone wanted to win in this election.  Shortly after Obama’s victory speech last night, people started celebrating in the streets near my house in the Mission.  At Valencia and 19th, a big party … Continue reading


Twitter graphs of the debate

Fascinating, from the Twitter blog:

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Is religion the opiate of the elite?

Andrew Gelman claims religion is the “opiate of the elite,” from this graph: He says: Religious attendance predicts Republican voting much more among the rich than the poor. This is a really interesting phenomenon — condition on wealth and see … Continue reading

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Financial market theory on the Daily Show

Deep insight of the moment: Volatility frequently occurs when everyone suddenly realizes the stock market is just a consensual mass delusion based on fictitious valuings of abstract assets. It’s like finding out Santa Claus is real because you catch him … Continue reading

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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Animated

Link: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Animated.


Blog move has landed

We’re now live at a new location:  Good-bye, Blogger, it was sometimes nice knowing you. This blog is now on WordPress (perhaps behind the times), which I’ve usually had good experiences with, e.g. for the Dolores Labs Blog.  I … Continue reading

Leave a comment, online polling, and potentially the coolest question corpus ever

MySpace and the Commission on the Presidential Debates put together a neat site,, which presents the candidates’ positions through various mini-polls and such. It even has a cool data exploration tool for the poll results … for example, here … Continue reading

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